Separating the Men from the Boys

7354485_1250766908Mi-a fost dat să văd băieţi care nu au crescut niciodată. După o anumită vârstă, nu le stă deloc bine… Însuşi băiatul din mine a refuzat uneori să devină bărbat. Recomandarea mea de astăzi se adresează celor care le au cu cititul în limba engleză.  Pentru că nu poţi aştepta să vină de la sine. Şi pentru că la orice vârstă şi statut în fiecare dintre noi va exista ascuns un… băiat.

 Nine Character Traits: Separating the Men from the Boys : How Men Grow Up and Why They Sometimes Don’t  de Nate Adams – „a must have” pentru cei care ne dorim ca băiatul din noi să devină … bărbat!

Boys will be boys. And men will be boys. That’s a fact. But is this continuing boyishness really just a normal „guy thing”?

What would happen if someone like Dave Barry and someone like Oswald Chambers got together and wrote a book about men? It’s not as absurd a question as it seems. In Nine Character Traits Separating the Men from the Boys, storyteller Nate Adams combines the humor of everyday guy antics with more serious discussion of how they mature in character – and why they sometimes don’t.

The stories Nate tells are likely to make you laugh out loud. But in-between laughs you’ll find an insightful look at the tug between the „boy in us” and the „man in us.” It’s a healthy tug between the boy who says to listen to our heart and the man who wants us to listen to our head, between the boy who wants to make sure we keep our lives simple, trusting, and passionate and the man who wants to make sure we’re taking life seriously and responsibly. The boy in us urges us to „lighten up,” while the man in us urges us to „grow up.” Both are voices we need to hear.

Christian character or its lack is displayed every day in the „arenas” that form our lives, arenas like work and play, decisions, discipline, communications, relationships, priorities, motives, values, and overall life perspective. These nine arenas call for nine key character traits, and they are delivered thoughtfully and sometimes hilariously in this fun yet penetrating book that’s ideal for today’s busy guys – and the women who love them.

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